OMNI Network Coverage.
This is the total square footage of the space or spaces where you would like to use OMNI.
This could be the sum of a series of individual rooms (Recreation, Dining Hall, Housing Unit A).
Or it could be the sum of every square inch of every floor of your facility.
Remember, OMNI can even track inmates in outside recreation yards and cages.
OMNI Tamper-Proof Inmate Tags.
This is the quantity of tamper-proof inmate bracelets you are wanting.
You need one of these for each inmate you want to track at your facility.
Ideally this number should be equal to or greater than your current inmate population.
OMNI Staff Tags.
This is the quantity of staff and asset tags you are wanting.
You will need one of these for each key set, radio, AED, crash cart or other non-inmate asset you wish to track.
| Design, Installation, & Training Costs
| One-Time Hardware Cost
| Annual Software License Cost
| Year 1 Invoice
| Year 2 Invoice
| Year 3 Invoice
| Estimated 3-Year Contract Total
*** Thank you for your inquiry. We appreciate the opportunity to provide you with an estimate for the requested work. Please note that this is only an estimate, and the actual cost may be higher or lower depending on the actual scope of work required. Please contact us for a customized estimate for your unique situation. We look forward to working with you on this project