
All at the click of a button.

Omni helps law-enforcement professionals stay vigilant
in detention & correctional environments.

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What is OMNI?

OMNI is a cutting-edge hardware and software solution. It utilizes high-security, tamper-proof bracelets to accurately track and record the locations and interactions of all inmates, staff, and assets, anywhere, in real time.
This unique and cutting edge system has 4 components.

  • OMNI anchors (signal receivers) are installed throughout your institution.
  • OMNI tamper-proof inmate tags (signal emitters) are secured to each inmate.
  • OMNI staff tags are provided to employees or other assets you wish to track.
  • The OMNI software platform then automatically displays real-time, PREA-compliant tracking results.

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24/7 Dynamic Census
OMNI calculates and records the location of every inmate 3 times a second. At any moment you have access to an accurate and complete census of the inmates within your institution. If this number changes or a discrepancy is detected, OMNI immediately alerts you of the situation.

Instantly Locate Any Inmate
OMNI allows you to instantly and accurately locate any inmate, anytime, anywhere. Our search feature allows you to filter your entire inmate population by name, identification number, housing unit, or any other personal detail. Once an inmate record is selected, their current location will instantly be displayed in OMNI’s mapping environment, with an accuracy within three feet.

Notification Haptics
OMNI’s tamper-proof inmate bracelets vibrate when set to alert mode and continue to do so until taken out of alert mode. This notifies the targeted inmate that they need to report to the nearest staff member immediately. This feature is useful when an inmate fails to appear for a scheduled appointment, misses work, or is needed somewhere urgently.

Automated Disciplinary Reports
In OMNI, when certain rules are broken, disciplinary reports are automatically generated. These reports include the exact time and location of the infraction, and the name or names of the individuals involved. If the infraction took place within the view of an integrated security camera, the applicable footage is also downloaded and attached to the report.

Tamper Proof Hardware
OMNI inmate bracelets are designed specifically to be used in detention and correctional settings. They feature multiple safeguards that will alert you if the bracelet’s band is opened, cut, or loses contact with a human body. If an inmate manages to remove their bracelet, you immediately receive a tamper alarm, including the identity of the inmate involved and the exact location the incident took place.

Out-Of-Bounds Alerting
Buildings, floors, rooms, or even portions of rooms can be marked as restricted to certain individuals or groups of individuals within the OMNI’s mapping environment. If an inmate enters an unauthorized space, OMNI immediately alerts you and writes a disciplinary report.

Gang & Separatee Monitoring
Within OMNI’s people management platform, individuals or groups of individuals can be categorized by sex, age, race, sentence, gang affiliation, separatee status, and any other personal detail. Custom rules can then be created to monitor, record, and report interactions between any of these groups.

Built-In RFID Controls
OMNI tamper-proof inmate bracelets have built in RFID capabilities allowing them to be used for numerous tasks similar to those of an employee key card. Using this feature, OMNI bracelets can turn into scannable inmate IDs or allow access to authorized areas. This feature could also be used to allow inmates to check themselves into medical or other scheduled appointments.

24/7 Heart Rate Monitoring
OMNI tamper-proof inmate bracelets continuously track and record the heart rates of the individuals wearing them. This feature is active at all times and for all bracelets. It provides constant peace of mind that all individuals in your custody are safe and secure. Additionally, custom alerts can be configured to alert staff when these heart rates fluctuates out of a desired range.

Instant Contact Tracing
OMNI’s powerful reporting function is capable of providing immediate and accurate contact tracing reports of your entire inmate population. These reports show every individual an infectious inmate has encountered, including the exact location, date, and time contact was made.

Heart Rate Based Alerting
With OMNI, you can create and monitor heart rate zones. This feature allows you to customize upper and lower heart rate limits for each inmate. When an inmate’s heart rate fluctuates out of its defined zone OMNI automatically alerts designated staff.

Pattern Based Recognition
Using the powers of AI and machine learning, OMNI uses the data it collects to build behavioral profiles for every inmate in your custody. When an inmate drastically changes their behavioral pattern, OMNI will alert designated staff to investigate. This function could prevent rape, assault, or suicide.

Access-To-Service Reports
OMNI’s powerful reporting function is capable of providing reports to verify your facility's compliance with policies and regulations regarding inmate access to services. For instance, the reports will document which inmates accessed services such as the law library, recreational areas, medical appointments, and many others.

Verification Of Staff Duties
Tags carried by correctional professionals (or attached to keys) can document movements. OMNI can protect your staff members from unwarranted accusations by showing they completed required rounds and other duties that require staff presence.

PREA Compliant Monitoring
Cameras can’t be everywhere. PREA precludes placement of cameras in cells, showers, and toilets. Although OMNI can be integrated with existing camera systems, it captures no video image. Therefore, OMNI's monitoring services do not invade upon privacy rights. Track inmate location and interactions without violating the requirements of PREA.

NFPA Occupancy & Fire Plans
Because OMNI software generates a detailed map of your facility, the software can label each space (cell, office, clinic, etc.), and it can even create a National Fire Protection Association 101 life safety floor plan.

Pinpoint Body Alarm Locations
Accelerate emergency responses by sending assistance to exactly the right spot. Integrating OMNI with existing body alarm systems will provide the control room with the precise location and identification of any staff member in distress.

Assisted Zone Control
When body alarms identify the precise location of an emergency, the emergency response can be tailored. Alerts can be sent to individuals, groups in the immediate vicinity, or any specific response groups. With OMNI, you dictate the nature of your emergency response.

Emergency Response Manager
OMNI will dictate specific instructions to your staff members in accordance with your institution’s individualized emergency response plans. For example, if the emergency is medical in nature, OMNI contacts the closest medical professionals to the incident, while simultaneously sending other staff members to gather the necessary equipment, such as the nearest crash cart or AED.

Lock & Utility Maps
Imagine looking at a map and immediately knowing which keys are associated with which locks. OMNI maps can identify keysets or any other objects you might need to find quickly, like fire extinguishers, air handlers, or utility shut-off valves. The possibilities are endless.

Extended Data Retention
When an investigator needs to verify the precise location of inmates at a previous moment in time, OMNI is the solution. Unlike video files, which require a tremendous amount of electronic storage, OMNI generates data that is automatically saved. Storage requires a fraction of the resources.

Activity Timelines & Heatmaps
Where was Inmate Thompson during the last hour? How many times have you had to solve that puzzle? With OMNI’s tracking software, you can generate a timeline or a heat map for a particular person’s whereabouts for the last hour, day, or any time period you choose.

Investigator View
Investigations are streamlined with OMNI software. Certain designated staff members, like internal investigators, can access timelines, heat maps, and data about interactions between inmates. For example, the system can be programmed to send an alert when individuals identified as rival gang members spend time together. You set the specific parameters, and OMNI does the work.

Easily Export Evidence
When misconduct has been identified, you already know who was there. OMNI creates a record of the whereabouts of all individuals at the time of an incident. But, knowing and proving are different things. You can easily export OMNI’s historical data as a file that can be entered into evidence.

Product Comparison
Omni | Real Time Location ServiceOMNI
Black Creek Integrated SystemsBlack Creek
Guardian RFIDGuardian RFID
Security CamerasSecurity Cameras
Integrates With Existing Camera Systems
Provides Wall-To-Wall Real Time Tracking
Accelerates Emergency Response
Improves Internal Investigations
Continuously Monitors Inmate Vitals
Behavioral Tracking & Predictive Modeling
Secure, Local, & Limitless Record Storage
Automated Incident Reporting